Our sustainability practices form the bedrock in perpetuating a strong relationship between the organisation and communities. The notable impact of these practices can be seen in many form such as providing social welfare to the employees, maintaining an appropriate standard of employment condition and enforcing occupational safety & health practices. We also engage in relationship building and networking among the plantation communities.
The company is committed to continue openly communicating and consulting local communities through Free, Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) process for any new development.
Internal stakeholder engagement - Team Building Program (Belaga Complex)
Internal stakeholder (staffs) engagement - Belaga Complex Football Team
The company adheres to relevant national laws and regulations for workplace occupational safety and health by providing a safe, healthy and hygienic workplace for all employees and contractors. We take proactive measures and steps to prevent any occupational accidents, disease or asset lost arising from our operations through an established safety and health management system. All the employees are exposed to related safety and health trainings and programs with the aim of enhancing their safety awareness and demonstrate it through their daily operations.
Health, Safety and Environmental campaign (Timora Mill)
PPE is provided by company to employees based on job junction as 1 Jan 2019 and ongoing
Health, Safety and Environmental Campaign (Jelalong Palm Oil Mill 2021)
Health, Safety and Bio-Diversity Conservation Campaign (Belaga 1 Estate 2021)
Plantation Vehicle Speed Limit Signage)
Company Health and Safety Policy Training 2021
Fire Extinguisher, Fire Fighting Training
Safety and Health program FY21/22 - Workplace Safety and Health Awareness Training to Contractor’s employee
Safety and Health program FY21/22 - Farm Tractor Safety Training
Safety and Health program FY21/22 - Workplace First Aid Refresher training
Safety and Health program FY21/22 - Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) Awareness training
Safety and Health program FY21/22 - Fire Fighting Training using fire extinguisher by Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department
Safety and Health program FY21/22 - Fire Rescue and Incident Commander Training by Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department
Safety and Health program FY21/22 - Safety and Health campaign of Belaga Palm Oil Mill
Safety and Health program FY21/22 - Confined Space Awareness Training at Belaga Palm Oil Mill
Pandemic Management - Employees Covid-19 Testing Exercises
Pandemic Management - Employees Covid-19 Testing Exercises
Jelalong East Safety and Health Campaign closing ceremony 2023
29 participants from various estates, mills attending Occupational Safety & Health Coordinator (OSH-C) in-house traning which was conducted at Belaga Training Center on 11th 13th Dec 2023.
We value our employees as our most important asset and we recognize and protect their rights in the workplace through compliance with our “No Exploitation� commitment. This include prohibition of child labour, bonded or forced labour and human trafficking. Glenealy Plantations practices no discrimination based on race, colour, sex, language, religion, political, national or social origin, and birth or other status. Employees working for Glenealy Plantations tangibly enjoy fair employment wages and benefits which are, most often than not, higher than the statutory requirements. Free medical treatment is available at each unit to provide health care benefits for the plantation communities.
The group have established community learning centers (CLC) within the plantation premises to ensure that the employee’s children have access to basic education. Sports events and festival celebrations involving local and foreign employees are essential events that we do to enhance the quality of life in the plantations.
Opening of Community Learning Center (CLC) - Lana Complex
Internal stakeholder engagement - workers sport day (Jelalong complex)
Internal stakeholder engagement - Workers’ sport event
Internal stakeholder engagement - Workers’ cultural event
Internal stakeholder engagement - Employer and Workers Dialogue & Engagement Session
Internal stakeholder engagement - Employer and Workers Dialogue & Engagement Session
Internal stakeholder engagement FY21/22 - Staffs and Executives team building event and tele-match
Internal stakeholder engagement FY21/22 - Workers, Staffs and Executives team building event and tele-match
Internal stakeholder engagement FY21/22 - Gender Committee Meeting
Internal stakeholder engagement FY21/22 - Sexual Harassment Awareness Training
2023 Refresher training on Company policies, Sustainability and HSE topics
Opening of New Creche at Lana, 2022
"Graduation" Ceremony at Belaga's Community Learning Center (CLC) 2022
Lana Social Impact Assessment (SIA) for Internal Stakeholder, Aug 2023
Belaga Social Impact Assessment (SIA) for Internal Stakeholder, Jan 2024
Jelalong Complex annual sport event 2023
Timora Complex annual sport event 2023
Creating A Safer Tomorrow: Anti-Drug Campaign at Jelalong and Lana Complex
On November 4, 2023, and January 11, 2024, the National Anti-Drug Campaign was jointly organized by the National Anti-Drug Agency and Glenealy Plantations at the Jelalong Complex and Lana Complex, respectively. The campaign aimed to address the critical issue of substance abuse within the palm oil industry. By targeting palm oil employees, contractors, and the local community, the campaign sought to create a comprehensive and inclusive approach to promoting a drug-free environment.
Participants visit the information booth setup during the Anti-drug campaign
Awareness talks during the Anti-drug campaign
The company does regular engagement with local communities to address their needs and concerns. This may include the potential impacts from any new developments which Glenealy Plantations is committed to resolve through a functional unbiased grievance mechanism. At the same time, our plantation projects have contributed to the social-economic status on the local communities in the form of improved infrastructure and employment opportunities which has increased their income and improved their standard of living.
Periodically local stakeholder meeting/engagement to enhance relationship and prevent conflict (Jelalong East -2020)
Periodically local stakeholder meeting/engagement to enhance relationship and prevent conflict (Belaga -2020)
Periodical local stakeholder meeting/engagement to enhance relationship and prevent conflict (Lana 2020)
Periodical local stakeholder meeting/engagement to enhance relationship and prevent conflict (Lana 2020)
Periodic local stakeholder meeting/ engagement to enhance the relationship and prevent conflict (Jelalong 2021/22)
Periodic local stakeholder meeting/engagement to enhance the relationship and prevent conflict (Belaga 2021/22)
Social Impact Assessment at Jelalong Complex (Jan 2023), Lana Complex (Aug 2023) and Belaga Complex (Jan 24)
Glenealy Plantations is committed to resolve any conflict and grievance raised by stakeholders including employees or local communities through a functional unbiased grievance mechanism.