

No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation Policy


Glenealy Plantations Sdn Bhd (GPSB) has recognized the importance of committing to core sustainable values in our palm oil production operations. Our commitment aims to transform our company into a responsible grower and miller in the oil palm industry, adhering to the following:

  • Transparency

  • No Deforestation

  • No Peat

  • No Exploitation


This policy applies to all oil palm plantations and palm oil mills managed and owned by Glenealy Plantations Sdn Bhd. Our commitment to No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation (NDPE) also applies to all our third-party Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) supply base.


Transparency is the main thread flowing through our commitment to the NDPE policy. Glenealy Plantations is geared to being open on matters related to new planting, conservation, and traceability. Commercially sensitive information that could prejudice Glenealy Plantations’s commercial interest will always remain confidential under all circumstances. The elements of transparency will be implemented through active communication with relevant stakeholders and reporting.

No Deforestation

  • In all new development areas Glenealy Plantations commits to undertake the integrated High Conservation Value (HCV) - High Carbon Stock (HCS) Assessment to identify areas having globally recognized HCV and HCS attributes. The identification procedure will be guided by the HCVRN Common Guidance and HCSA Toolkit. As such, there will be no future development in any HCV and HCS area identified. The HCV and HCS areas identified will be protected and managed, contributing to global conservation efforts.

  • In existing plantations, it will be ensured that all HCV and HCS areas are identified and will be protected. This will also be ensured during replanting.

  • Glenealy Plantations has never subscribed to open burning for land preparation and will continue to ensure the No Open Burning policy in any new development or replanting.

  • Glenealy Plantations will identify all sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in our mills and plantations and will progressively decrease emissions to meet relevant palm oil certification standards.

No Peat

  • Currently, Glenealy Plantations has no plantings on peat and commits to no new development in peat areas of any depth. The definition of peat will follow the RSPO Manual on Best Management Practices (BMPs) on peat.

  • If any existing oil palm developed on peat prior to 31st December 2015 were to come under the Glenealy Plantations management in the future, these areas will be managed following RSPO BMPs for existing oil palm cultivation on peat. The prevention of peat degradation and subsidence will be a key focus.

  • Replanting on peat will also follow the requirements of the RSPO BMPs on peat.

No Exploitation

We are committed to upholding the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations. The important Articles in this Declaration that are relevant to Glenealy Plantations are:

  • In new development areas, open and continuous consultations with local communities is a priority. No development will proceed without the Free, Prior, and Informed Consent of landowners and users with legal rights.

  • Any land conflict and grievance raised by local communities will be resolved through a functional unbiased grievance mechanism. All appropriate grievance documentation will be made available to relevant stakeholders as a commitment to transparency.

For new and existing plantations, Glenealy Plantations is committed to the following:

  • Prohibition of child labour.

  • Prohibition of human trafficking and the use of forced or bonded labour.

  • No discrimination based on race, colour, sex, language, religion, political, national or social origin, and birth or other status.

  • No tolerance of violence, harassment and sexual exploitation.

  • Gender equality and recognition of women’s reproductive rights.

  • Freedom of association and right to collective bargaining.

  • Freedom of speech.

  • Equal opportunities and ethical hiring.

  • Secure and safe working environment (Occupational Safety and Health).

  • Legal employment with fair wages, benefits including the right to medical treatment and insurance, following national laws and legal requirements.

  • Functional grievance mechanism.

Supply Chain

Inclusion of smallholders.

Glenealy Plantations is committed to include smallholders in the FFB supply base and ensure that the relevant components of this NDPE policy is adhered to

Acknowledging that situations are not static, Glenealy Plantations recognizes the need to review and upgrade this policy to comply with changing demands and requirements in the palm oil industry, when necessary.

Glenealy Plantations as a significant​ palm oil producer strives to in corporate sustainability in all our operations through the following.

  1. Commitment to all our Sustainability related policies and practices
  2. Demonstrate transparency by effective communication and consultation with our relevant stakeholders​
  3. Comply to all relevant national, state, local laws and regulations​
  4. Respect human rights, including the employment conditions and health & safety of our workers, besides recognising the social rights of our local communities​
  5. Protect the natural resources, biodiversity and ecosystems through established work practices and operational procedures
  6. Adopt industry best practices and invest in continuous improvement activities in our plantation and milling operations
  7. The Glenealy Plantations Sustainability Steering Committee was formed by the senior management to drive the sustainability agenda across the organisation. The Group Head of Sustainability leads the Sustainability Steering Committee.

Company Policies Online Train the Trainer Program Nov 2020

Company Policies Training Program 2021 (Managers, Executives & Staffs)

Company Policies Training Program 2021 (Workers)

The company policies trained including (1)NDPE Policy, (2)Sustainable Palm Oil Policy, (3)Health and Safety Policy, (4)Anti-Harassment and Anti-Discrimination Policy, (5)Whistleblower Policy, (6) Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy, (7) Gift and Entertainment Policy, (8) Human Rights Policy

The company policies refresher training 2023-2024 for all the plantations and mills